Category Archives: Sustainable Living

The Land of Opportunity

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The winter of woe followed by the spring of hope Garden Renewal, Again A few weeks ago, I finally mustered up the energy to clear away the dead from the gardens at home and around town. Some losses were not … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Care & Feeding, Climate Change, composting, Easy Care Perennials, Garden Design, Garden Prep, Hardy Herbs, Health & Wellbeing, Houseplants, Native Plants, Plant Diversity, Planting & Transplanting, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Lawns In Bloom

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Little flowers transform lawns into pollinator happy places Helping Lawns Become Meadows Every spring I get questions about how to keep lawns free from weeds and/or moss (or sometimes both). Personally, I’d much rather keep lawns free from turf grass. … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Birds In The Garden, Butterfly Gardens, Care & Feeding, Climate Change, composting, Easy Care Perennials, Garden Design, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Stretch Or Kvetch

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Avoid unnecessary tidiness; let petals make magical, fragrant pathways Gardening Without Pain (Or Less Anyway) It’s finally spring and all week I’ve visited with groaning friends who can’t stand up straight, can’t turn their heads, can’t bend without yelping or … Continue reading

Posted in Care & Feeding, Garden Prep, Health & Wellbeing, Pruning, Safer Pruning, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Spring Without Bees? Plant More Flowers!!!!

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Beeless blossoms are everywhere this spring Where Are The Bees? Here we are in the middle of April, many gardens are bright with blossoms, and all those luxuriant spring flowers ought to be alive with bees. But they’re not. Granted … Continue reading

Posted in Annual Color, Birds In The Garden, Butterfly Gardens, Care & Feeding, Climate Change, Easy Care Perennials, Garden Design, Garden Prep, Gardening With Children, Hardy Herbs, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Weed Control | Leave a comment