Category Archives: Birds In The Garden

Craftivism Is Creative Activism

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Turning crafting skills into support for causes we love (art by LR) Gentle Yet Effective Activism Over the years, I’ve written dozens of newspaper articles about native plants, with varying responses (of course). A recent one that compared a naturalistic … Continue reading

Posted in Birds In The Garden, Climate Change, Crafting With Children, Gardening With Children, Health & Wellbeing, Pollination Gardens, Seedling Swaps, Social Justice, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Creating Welcoming Shared Spaces

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Natural order is hospitable Planting Yesterday For Tomorrow As I wander about on my daily walks, I often find myself dreaming into the past. Within living memory, often not long ago at all, our Maritime Northwestern back yards looked much … Continue reading

Posted in Birds In The Garden, Butterfly Gardens, Climate Change, Easy Care Perennials, Garden Books, Garden Design, Gardening With Children, Health & Wellbeing, Native Plants, Plant Diversity, Pollination Gardens, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Welcoming The Rains

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Rosemary garlic salt makes a welcome gift Autumn Is A Good Time For Slow Living After the long summer drought, what bliss to wake in the night to hear rain pattering on the roof and to walk out in the … Continue reading

Posted in Birds In The Garden, Care & Feeding, fall/winter crops, Hardy Herbs, Health & Wellbeing, Pollination Gardens, Pollinators, Recipes, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Vegan Recipes | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Natural Magic

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Finding magic is a garden gift In Search Of Gratitude This morning, the sky is grey, the air is full of gentle, misty drizzle and I am grateful. As I walked around town doing errands, I overheard people grousing about … Continue reading

Posted in Birds In The Garden, Care & Feeding, Climate Change, Crafting With Children, Gardening With Children, Health & Wellbeing, Sustainable Gardening, Sustainable Living, Teaching Gardening | Tagged , | 6 Comments